I've been trying not to get too down about it, but still, I can only write about this fairly objectively after a few days. So far in the space of a week I've been yelled at for spilling things more than usual, been forbidden from taking my permit test because the picture on my green card is from before I was 14 years old and now there's the choice of going to INS or the embassy in Chicago to get something fixed, Applebee's was a really big letdown after that (Panera all the way), and my school won't let me take all the courses that I want (so much for education).
The thing I hate the most is when I'm being prevented from reaching my full potential as a person for no reason. The purpose of school is to help children reach their full potential as law-abiding adults. It's a shame the American public school system doesn't do that anymore.
Speaking of the USA's detriments, here's the number one: immigration. Now, I'm legal. I'm not Hispanic either. And the photo on my green card was taken when I was eleven. I am now fifteen, I have never dyed my hair or worn makeup. It's quite clear that the photo on there is a photo of me! I do not get why the stupid lady in the DMV kept insisting that she couldn't let me take the test because "the photo of me is too young." I did not tell her this, she purposefully looked up the date it was taken and called my mom over to tell her that I have to go to INS so they can either take a new photo or put a sticker on the back verifying that it has been updated and yes, the photo is of me. So much for "give us your sick, your poor,..."
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